Registration or Account creation


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

What do I need to get a Movefunds account?

You need to either be a freelancer, remote worker or digital entrepreneur. This is foundational to successfully going through our simple KYC process.

How do I create a Movefunds account?

To create your Movefunds, log on to https://movefunds.co/ on your mobile phone, laptop or desktop. Then proceed to click on the ‘Get Started’ button and you will be redirected to the signup page.

After signing up on Movefunds, how long does account verification take?

Accounts are verified within 24-48 business hours. You should only reach our support channel if your account status does not change after 48 business hours. 

What about Non-Nigerians?

After completing the initial signup process, as a part of our verification process for non-Nigerians, they must record and submit a video stating their name, nationality, gender, and age and declaring that they authorise the opening of a Movefunds account in their name and the reason for opening a Movefunds account to our support channel.

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